


Quite often a good photo is waiting to be found in the details. While walking along a lake, I noticed the water washing up against rocks and dead wood, whipping up a light froth. I bent down and looked more closely and the longer I looked, the more interesting patters formed and dissolved themselves.

I wonder how this would look in a video? Mmm, maybe that is a project for the future …

Mushroom Circle

Mushroom Circle

While hiking through a forest, I came across these mushrooms growing in an almost perfect circle. I was sure there must a good reason why they were growing this way, but I could not see it.

Back home, I asked Wikipedia and it turns out these fairy rings are not uncommon. There are several theories why they grow in this way, but apparently there is no consensus yet. Until the scientists figure the mystery of the mushrooms out, the fact that they are pretty will have to suffice.

Mountain Cranberry

Wilde Preiselbeere

The mountain cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea, lingonberry, or cowberry) is a delicious little berry that grows wild all over Scandinavia (and other places, I am sure). They are tart in taste, which is considered a plus by their fans. 🙂

I cam across this one during a drizzle, which added the lovely drops. Speaking of lovely: do you adore the quality of the light as much as I do?

After what seems like forever, I’ve finally managed to do some hiking in the mountains before summer is over. Low-hanging clouds made for interesting weather, like you see here in this picture of the Latschenkopf:

Sunlight plays across the back of a mountain otherwise covered by a low-hanging cloud.

Latschenkopf and Vorderer Kirchstein

Alpine Strawberries are blossoming in the warm spring sun. I take that as a sign that spring is here to stay. 🙂

Alpine Strawberry Blossoms in the Spring Sun

Alpine Strawberry Blossoms in the Spring Sun

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