
You are currently browsing articles tagged blue.

Walking the streets, I came upon a fascinating construction site. An older concrete building was being torn down to make room for some modern apartment buildings.

As I watched, the last glow of sunlight disappeared and the moon became the brightest object in the sky. The rubble and the construction equipment turned into silhouettes, giving them a strange quality.

Nightfall Construction

Nightfall Construction

The times when the sun appears and disappears from the sky are often the best times for photography because light is most interesting then. Nightfall certainly is the most convenient of these times – I don’t have to get up early. 😉

More ice crystals:

Ice Crystal Colors II

Ice Crystal Colors II

Ice Crystal Colors I

It is currently rather cold and it snows quite a bit in Bavaria. On Sunday the sky was a clear blue and the sunlight was crisp and clean, lighting these ice crystals beautifully:

Ice Crystal Colors I

Ice Crystal Colors I

Can you guess what the background is?

Winter Storm

Storm clouds rising over a winter field, lightly covered in snow. For a few minutes the low afternoon sun bathed the landscape in soft golden light while blue and purple clouds boiled above.

Winter Storm

Winter Storm

Tracks in the Snow

Winter has arrived here in Germany and it is getting cold and snowy. On an outing I found a frozen pond with crisp, fresh snow on the frozen surface which an animal, probably a dog, had explored.

Animal tracks in fresh snow.

Tracks in the Snow

I like the way the sunlight plays on the white surface with the shadows appearing blue, not black, because of the ice.

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