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More ice crystals:

Ice Crystal Colors II

Ice Crystal Colors II

Ice Crystal Colors I

It is currently rather cold and it snows quite a bit in Bavaria. On Sunday the sky was a clear blue and the sunlight was crisp and clean, lighting these ice crystals beautifully:

Ice Crystal Colors I

Ice Crystal Colors I

Can you guess what the background is?

Ice Crystals

Snow had recently fallen in the mountains, probably no more than two days ago. On the north side, just below the summit, no sunlight had yet reached the freshly fallen snow, so no melting had occurred yet.

Close to the ground the snow crystals on the pines created a wonderfully sculpted landscape.

Snow Crystals V

Snow Crystals V

The blue tinge is caused by ice filtering light as it passes through or is reflected. I decided not to correct it because I quite like the effect.